Extinction Rebellion vs. London Fashion Week: what happens now?
Extinction Rebellion took to the streets in protest during London Fashion Week, but the shows went on as per normal. So, what happens now?
But this year Extinction Rebellion, an international climate change activism collective, wrote to the British Fashion Council asking it to cancel London Fashion Week. The reactions to this request were controversial, with some people within the industry supporting the idea, while some were vehemently against it.
London Fashion Week went on as per normal, but things were slightly different. The protesters marched on the streets with signs and were present outside the venues where shows were being held, in what they called “a funeral” for London Fashion Week. The fashion industry is a huge polluter and as concerns for climate change escalate, Extinction Rebellion does have a point. In its Instagram post about the protest, it said: “The fashion industry is in desperate need of systemic change in order to reduce its impact on the planet... This is not the death of creativity or fashion but a call for radical transformation.” So, what happens now?
Extinction Rebellion has a specific branch focused on boycotting fashion. It has more marches lined up for the rest of the year and is also proposing a pledge. The #XR52 is a pledge that people can sign up to where they agree not to buy new clothing or textiles for 52 weeks. It is the newest initiative from the Boycott Fashion branch of Extinction Rebellion and is easy to sign up for. It may seem difficult but, remember: the way we’ll save the planet is not by the minority perfectly living sustainably – it’ll be by the majority doing it imperfectly.